evolunis / Wellenbrecher

Wellenbrecher enables wifi-operated plugs when energy production in Germany is greater than consumption
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SMARD API: Ask for Real-Time Data or Predictions #10

Open evolunis-ws opened 1 year ago

evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago

Talk to Bundesnetzagentur to ask for special access to more live data / predictions

Until a solution is available,

evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago


evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago

Email to SMARD@bnetza.de sent on 9OCT2022:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir veröffentlichen gerade eine open-source App auf Basis von SMARD, die es erlaubt, Steckdosen in Zeitintervallen von Stromüberproduktion einzuschalten.

Die App ist nahezu fertig, und wir stellen sie Ihnen sehr gern vor. Hinweis: Die App ist ein rein idealistisches Projekt.

Die aktuelle Zeitverzögerung von ca. 2 Stunden ist eine unverzeihliche Hürde für die potentiellen Nutzer. Wir müssen also mit eine Beta-Version starten, bis Echtzeitdaten verfügbar sind.

Können Sie bereits sagen, ab wann Sie API-Daten in Echtzeit bereitstellen können? Gern nehmen wir auch TSO- Daten, die noch nicht von Ihnen überprüft sind oder Schätzdaten - allerdings bräuchten wir eine Schätzung der Gesamtproduktion und des Gesamtverbrauchs.

Mit einer Aussage wie: "Echtzeitdaten voraussichtlich ab XX verfügbar" könnten wir die Early Adapters unter unseren Nutzer sicher bereits für die App gewinnen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Walther Schulze

evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago

Contacted @lukaspanni and @LilithWittmann to seek support.

evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago

@AndreasFischer1985 Do you know whom we could contact at Bundesnetzagentur? We need access to prediction or real-time data of the electric power production.

evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago

@wirthual Any idea whom we could contact at SMARD for real-time data of the electric power production?

evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago

We'd basically just need access to the SMARD prognosis data, but it's not in the API yet. Should be easy to add. Anyone who knows how we could add this to https://github.com/bundesAPI?

lukaspanni commented 1 year ago

Hi, the project seems interesting. But other than documenting the SMARD API and using it a bit for fun (I'm planning a tool to work with home assistant to link my past energy consumption with the production at that time. But currently there are more important projects.) I haven't worked a lot with this api. I also don't know anyone who could help you guys.

lukaspanni commented 1 year ago

We'd basically just need access to the SMARD prognosis data, but it's not in the API yet.

Should be easy to add. Anyone who knows how we could add this to https://github.com/bundesAPI?

I did not know that this page exists, interesting ... For the original documentation I used the network inspector of my browser to look at all the requests and by trial and error figured out the parameters. Just add the needed endpoints and their definition in the openapi spec in https://GitHub.com/bundesAPI/smard-api

evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @lukaspanni! Great respect for setting up this beautiful API! Thank you for your comment and good luck with your current project!

I think I'm almost there.. worst case, we'd just read the prognosis data right from the SMARD website. But adding the data to SMARD would certainly be the best way.

Just add the needed endpoints and their definition in the openapi spec in https://GitHub.com/bundesAPI/smard-api

I'll give it a try! Thank you!!!

evolunis-ws commented 1 year ago

Got a very helpful and detailed response on my request to

Email to SMARD@bnetza.de sent on 9OCT2022

Will summarize here asap.