sql = 'SELECT t1.id, '+sqls.select(collec.fields)+
' FROM '+schema+'."'+collec.table+'" AS t1'+
' WHERE t1."'+collec.column+'"=$1'+
' ORDER BY t1.id'+//t1.position, t1.id
' LIMIT '+defaultPageSize+';';
The ORDER BY on t1.id looks incorrect. See the collections panel for 'Vine Cliff' for an example.
It looks like it should be `collec.fields[0].id', or something like that.
Note: there doesn't seem to be any way to sort collections to a desired order.
The collection API function uses this SQL:
The ORDER BY on t1.id looks incorrect. See the collections panel for 'Vine Cliff' for an example. It looks like it should be `collec.fields[0].id', or something like that.
Note: there doesn't seem to be any way to sort collections to a desired order.