evoluteur / evolutility-ui-jquery

Model-driven Web UI for CRUD using REST or localStorage.
MIT License
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Fetching values for LOVs from backend #16

Open slawkor opened 7 years ago

slawkor commented 7 years ago

The evolutility backend offers an LOV endpoint. But in the frontend you use hardcoded lists for LOV fields, like this:

id: 'priority', attribute: 'priority', type: 'lov', label: 'Priority', required: true,
                    width: 100,  inMany: true,
                    list: [
                        {id: 1, text: '1 - ASAP'},
                        {id: 2, text: '2 - Urgent'},
                        {id: 3, text: '3 - Important'},
                        {id: 4, text: '4 - Medium'},
                        {id: 5, text: '5 - Low'}

Is there a way to easily fetch the list items from the backend instead?

evoluteur commented 7 years ago

This feature is not implemented yet. I plan to do it (it is in evolutility-ui-react already).