case fTypes.exculsiveList:
var arrayLength = this._field.list.length;
h+='<span id="value">';
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
h+= EvoUI.inputRadio(this._field.list[i].label, this._field.list[i].id, this._field.list[i].label, v==this._field.list[i].id, 'value' + this._field.list[i].id);
h +='</span>';
Haven't looked too deeply into this, I know there would need to be a few more changes to bring this in.
It would be nice to have a list but with radio buttons so only one option is ever selected.
And then
Haven't looked too deeply into this, I know there would need to be a few more changes to bring this in.