Open vladiibine opened 9 years ago
Yes, adding the ability to have AND or OR would make it way more flexible but it would also need parenthesis. This is a more complex UX pattern. I'm not sure which direction I want to go with this project (easier but more limited or flexible but more complex). I'll think about it.
My solution (with php):
var evoLang={sYada:'Multi'}
EvoUI.inputOption(evoAPI.sYada, evoLang.sYada);
if ($operator=="yada"){
$numItems = count($gelen_degerler);
$yada_i = 0;
$filtre_degerim=" and (";
foreach($gelen_degerler as $deger)
$filtre_degerim.=' f'.$i.'.deger like "%' . $deger.'%" ';
if(++$yada_i === $numItems)
$filtre_degerim.= ') ';
$filtre_degerim.= ' or ';
$additional_where = $filtre_degerim;
$sql="Select * from table where salary=1000 ".$additional_where;
Usage : Select "multi" options and type values with comma. Like "name1,name2"
+1 for operators between conditions.
+1 for operators
👍 + for operators
I think this is a strong library as-is - without the complexity of boolean logic and parenthesis. This keeps the implementation and UX much simpler, while meeting the needs for many use cases.
See if you need to handle more complex use cases.
It would be awesome if I could do filtering like this: { {Username contains 'asdf' AND Lastname contains 'foo'} OR {Username startswith 'A' and age < 13} }
This way a lot more flexible queries could be built