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Melhorar a organização dos testes #64

Closed huogerac closed 9 months ago

huogerac commented 9 months ago

os testes estão misturando API e Services, seria legal separar um pouco

o que vocês acham que pode ser melhorado nestes testes aqui:

from unittest.mock import ANY

from twitterclone.accounts.models import User
from twitterclone.accounts.tests import fixtures
from twitterclone.core.models import Tweet

def test_criar_tweet_sem_login(client):
    resp = client.post("/api/core/tweets/add", {"new_tweet": "walk the dog"})
    assert resp.status_code == 401

def test_criar_tweet_com_login(client, db):
    payload = {"description": "estudar pytest"}
    resp = client.post("/api/core/tweets/add", payload, content_type="application/json")
    assert resp.status_code == 200

def test_listar_tweet_com_login(client, db):
    Tweet.objects.create(description="walk the dog")

    resp = client.get("/api/core/tweets/list")
    data = resp.json()

    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert data == {
        "tweets": [{"description": "walk the dog", "done": False, "id": ANY}]