evolution-events / Artaxerxes

Evolution Events information system
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Logging / notification of system errors #94

Open matthijskooijman opened 4 years ago

matthijskooijman commented 4 years ago

Something like Sentry to track repeated exceptions and notify us in case of errors.

matthijskooijman commented 4 years ago

The minimal version of this would be Django's built-in error reporting. Ideally, I'd use something more complete, such as Sentry, which allows:

However, it seems that Sentry is normally a hosted solution. It can be self-hosted, but requires quite a bit of support services (half a dozen docker instances), including memory-hog kafka. Apparently Sentry 9 is a bit lighter than version 10, but still requires redis, postgresql, possibly memcached, so probably still too much for our server.

I also looked at https://github.com/sonus21/error-tracker, which integrates with Django directly (rather than running as an external service), but that is quite limited (only tracks the latest exception for each type, tracks limited info and does not seem like a fully mature project). I also looked at https://github.com/errbit/errbit, which open-source using the "Airplane" (a closed-source solution) API. It looks somewhat promising, but scares me a bit because it is Rails (and needs MongoDB, which is also not yet available on the server).

For now, I think we should just settle for the builtin Django notifications and leave this for later.

matthijskooijman commented 4 years ago

The minimal version is implemented, so I'll remove this from MVP for now.