evosec / metabase-firebird-driver

A plugin that allows Metabase to connect to FirebirdSQL databases.
MIT License
27 stars 7 forks source link

JDBC Connection #1

Closed pupupulp closed 5 years ago

pupupulp commented 5 years ago

Hi I've been having a problem when registering a database using the driver it says that

No suitable driver found for jdbc:firebirdsql://HOST:PORT/DB

I already followed your steps on the readme and also checked if the permissions are set correctly

-rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 301604 Aug 14 04:43 bigquery.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 431502 Aug 14 04:43 druid.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 1593175 Aug 14 04:29 firebird.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 3054092 Aug 14 04:43 google.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 603402 Aug 14 04:43 googleanalytics.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 6484826 Aug 14 04:43 mongo.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 63696 Aug 14 04:43 oracle.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 139356 Aug 14 04:43 presto.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 2344224 Aug 14 04:43 redshift.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 15751541 Aug 14 04:43 snowflake.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 64214128 Aug 14 04:43 sparksql.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 7105660 Aug 14 04:43 sqlite.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 1177285 Aug 14 04:43 sqlserver.metabase-driver.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 metabase metabase 46161 Aug 14 04:43 vertica.metabase-driver.jar

here are the plugins everything seems correct but still i cant register a database, i was wondering what could be the cause, I also setup jaybird as jdbc driver correct me if there is something wrong with my jdbc driver setup for i am a bit doubtful on that part

im running metabase on docker btw

here is the Dockerfile

FROM metabase/metabase

ENV FB_DRIVER_URL=https://github.com/evosec/metabase-firebird-driver/releases/download/v1.0/firebird.metabase-driver.jar \
    FB_DRIVER=firebird.metabase-driver.jar \

COPY setup-user-group.sh setup-user-group.sh
COPY jaybird-3.0.6.jar /usr/java/jaybird-3.0.6.jar
COPY jaybird-full-3.0.6.jar /usr/java/jaybird-full-3.0.6.jar

ENV CLASSPATH "${CLASSPATH}:/usr/java/jaybird-3.0.6.jar"
ENV CLASSPATH "${CLASSPATH}:/usr/java/jaybird-full-3.0.6.jar"

RUN chmod +x setup-user-group.sh \
    && ./setup-user-group.sh


RUN chmod 644 ${PLUGINS_PATH}/${FB_DRIVER} \
    && chown metabase:metabase ${PLUGINS_PATH}/${FB_DRIVER}

ENTRYPOINT ["/app/run_metabase.sh"]

and here is the docker-compose file

version: '3'
    image: custom/metabase:latest
      mode: global
        condition: on-failure
        delay: 1s
        max_attempts: 5
        window: 120s
        constraints: [node.role == manager]
      - MB_DB_FILE=/var/lib/metabase/data/metabase.db
      - 8082:3000
      - metabase_data:/var/lib/metabase/data
      name: tools_services
    external: true

looking forward for your help thank you so much

pupupulp commented 5 years ago

Update: I also tried overriding metabase's run_metabase.sh in which i added this line JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -cp /usr/java/jaybird-full-3.0.6.jar" but still not working though

here is the updated run_metabase.sh file


# if nobody manually set a host to listen on then go with all available interfaces and host names
if [ -z "$MB_JETTY_HOST" ]; then
    export MB_JETTY_HOST=

# Metabase Database Info - this is just about what db the Metabase application uses for internal storage

# AWS Elastic Beanstalk w/ RDS
if [ ! -z "$RDS_HOSTNAME" ]; then
    # EEK: this is a bit fragile.  if user picks a non-standard port for their db we are screwed :(
    if [ "$MB_DB_PORT" == "3306" ]; then
        export MB_DB_TYPE=mysql
        export MB_DB_TYPE=postgres

    export MB_DB_PORT=$RDS_PORT

# Avoid running metabase (or any server) as root where possible
# If you want to use specific user and group ids that matches an existing
# account on the host pass them in $MGID and $MUID when starting metabase

# create the group if it does not exist
# TODO: edit an existing group if MGID has changed
getent group metabase > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $group_exists -ne 0 ]; then
    addgroup -g $MGID -S metabase

# create the user if it does not exist
# TODO: edit an existing user if MGID has changed
id -u metabase > /dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $user_exists -ne 0 ]]; then
    adduser -D -u $MUID -G metabase metabase


# In order to run metabase as a non-root user in docker, we need to handle various
# cases where we where previously ran as root and have an existing database that
# consists of a bunch of files, that are owned by root, sitting in a directory that
# may only be writable by root. It's not safe to simply change the ownership or
# permissions of an unknown directory that may be a volume mounted on the host, so
# we will need to detect this and make a place that is going to be safe to set
# permissions on.

# So first some preliminary checks:

# 1. Does this container have an existing H2 database file?
# 2. or an existing H2 database in it's own directory,
# 3. or neither?

# is there a pre-existing files only database without a metabase specific directory?
if ls $db_file\.* > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# is it an old style file
if [[ -d "$db_file" ]]; then

# If the db exits, and it's just some files in a shared directory we could do
# serious damage to peoples home or /tmp directories if we where to set the
# permissions on that directory to allow metabase to create db-lock and db-part
# file there. To keep them safe we make a new directory with the same name and
# move the db file into the new directory. If we where passed the name of a
# directory rather than a specific file, then we are safe to set permissions on
# that directory so there is no need to move anything.

# an example file would look like /tmp/metabase.db/metabase.db.mv.db
new_db_dir=$(dirname $db_file)/$(basename $db_file)

if [[ $db_exists = "true" && ! $db_directory = "true" ]]; then
    mkdir $new_db_dir
    mv $db_file\.* $new_db_dir/

# and for the new install case we create the directory
if [[ $db_exists = "false" && $db_directory = "false" ]]; then
    mkdir $new_db_dir

# the case where the DB exists and is a directory, there is nothing to do
# so nothing happens here. This will be the normal case.

# next we tell metabase use the files we just moved into the directory
# or create the files in that directory if they don't exist.
export MB_DB_FILE=$new_db_dir/$(basename $db_file)

# TODO: print big scary warning if they are configuring an ephemeral instance

chown metabase:metabase $new_db_dir $new_db_dir/* 2>/dev/null  # all that fussing makes this safe

# Setup Java Options
JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions"
JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Dlogfile.path=target/log"
JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -server"
JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -cp /usr/java/jaybird-full-3.0.6.jar"

if [ ! -z "$JAVA_TIMEZONE" ]; then
    JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Duser.timezone=${JAVA_TIMEZONE}"

# Launch the application
# exec is here twice on purpose to  ensure that metabase runs as PID 1 (the init process)
# and thus receives signals sent to the container. This allows it to shutdown cleanly on exit
exec su metabase -s /bin/sh -c "exec java $JAVA_OPTS -jar /app/metabase.jar $@"

and here is the update Dockerfile

FROM metabase/metabase

ENV FB_DRIVER_URL=https://github.com/evosec/metabase-firebird-driver/releases/download/v1.0/firebird.metabase-driver.jar \
    FB_DRIVER=firebird.metabase-driver.jar \

COPY setup-user-group.sh setup-user-group.sh
COPY run_metabase.sh /app/run_metabase.sh

COPY jaybird-3.0.6.jar /usr/java/jaybird-3.0.6.jar
COPY jaybird-full-3.0.6.jar /usr/java/jaybird-full-3.0.6.jar

ENV CLASSPATH "${CLASSPATH}:/usr/java/jaybird-3.0.6.jar"
ENV CLASSPATH "${CLASSPATH}:/usr/java/jaybird-full-3.0.6.jar"

RUN chmod +x /app/run_metabase.sh \
    && chmod +x setup-user-group.sh \
    && ./setup-user-group.sh


RUN chmod 644 ${PLUGINS_PATH}/${FB_DRIVER} \
    && chown metabase:metabase ${PLUGINS_PATH}/${FB_DRIVER}

ENTRYPOINT ["/app/run_metabase.sh"]

i am really looking forward to make this work since a lot of our databases are in firebird so its a lot helping for the other team if they could utilize Metabase along with firebird through your plugin, thank you so much

pupupulp commented 5 years ago

ooff btw I also tried on both firebird 2.5 and 3 but still I cant register a database thank you

Nikos410 commented 5 years ago

Hey there! It looks like metabase can not find the required JDBC driver, Jaybird, which should be included in the firebird.metabase-driver.jar. So, if Metabase can find the driver, it should be able to find Jaybird as well.

Did you try running Metabase without manually including the Jaybird jar as a dependency? Maybe having Jaybird twice confuses Metabase/Java?

What Version of Metabase are you using? Maybe one of the recent updates changed the behaviour of drivers, we are using a Metabase version that is a few months old by now, so that could definetly be possible.

pupupulp commented 5 years ago

Yes at first I tried without the Jaybird since i believed its already included within the jar file, but the error showed up

Im using Metabase v0.32.10, could you share your version so that I could try to lower mine and see if it works?

Nikos410 commented 5 years ago

Alright, I don't know which version of Metabase we are using internally and I can't check right now, since I'm not in the office today. But I know for sure that it worked (for us) with the first version that introduced the new modular driver system, 0.32.0. You could try if that version works for you.

pupupulp commented 5 years ago

Heyy yes so Im about to say that just right now from the context of your message "a Metabase version that is a few months old by now" I checked their docker hub repo and see their tags, the last version that meets your description is this one v0.32.9 I tried lowering to that version and I think its working now

different error has shown up

java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login. [SQLState:28000, ISC error code:335544472]

which I think is my fault for wrong password entry

thank you so much for the help

pupupulp commented 5 years ago

Ok confirmed the working version with Metabase is v0.32.9, this issue is solved now thank you so much for the help, great plugin btw :D :D

Nikos410 commented 5 years ago

@camsaul Do you have an idea what could cause this? Did 0.32.10 change the behaviour of drivers? (I can open an issue in the Metabase Repo if you prefer)

Nikos410 commented 5 years ago

@pupupulp I released a new version of the driver, that should work with the latest version of Metabase

pupupulp commented 5 years ago

@Nikos410 this duly noted thank you so much :D