[x] Implement requestAlwaysAuthorization for Android 6
[x] Ask permission, return result in js callback
Current problems:
[ ] request is not blocking, so the callbacks need to be used. But these are not working on all versions. I suggest that, when the function is not available (eg ios7), it always executes the success callback. This is a breaking change however.
[ ] I only changed 2 examples to use the callback yet.
[ ] Code style is messed up from switchting editors, but hope you get the idea :(
[ ] Check on older Android? Always run success callback?
Initial implementation for https://github.com/evothings/phonegap-estimotebeacons/issues/110 Based on https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/dev/guide/platforms/android/plugin.html
for Android 6Current problems: