evrencoskun / TableView

TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells.
MIT License
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Enable RTL support #358

Closed Zardozz closed 3 years ago

Zardozz commented 3 years ago

This Feature enables a user of the library to reverse the Left to Right Header Row and Cell Rows order.

Thus with the CornerView Location feature a RTL layout can be created like:-


To a view like this you would set the attributes app:corner_view_location="top_right"

You can also set this properties programmatically using the 2 part constructor method

This is not automatic RTL support but it allows the user of the library to decide the direction of the layout using the app:reverse_layout attribute Much like they can do with RecyclerViews (Reverse Layout is actually just passed on to the correct Recycler Views) It not the business of Library to work out RTL layouts only to support them, much like it is not the Library's Business to correctly RTL the cell contents (That is for the extended TableView Adaptor and user dell layout to do)

Add Instrumented test to cover this reverse layout feature and all Tests Pass image

Off course there needs to be Documentation wiki updates to document these new feature.

Hopeful should cover the follow issues RTL support #314 #233 #15 #68