evrencoskun / TableView

TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells.
MIT License
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JCenter deprecated soon and cannot find repo #382

Open tuvirus opened 3 years ago

tuvirus commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug I'm updating my gradle files and many has moved to maven except this repo.

To Reproduce Use a late version of Android Studio and min compiled sdk version 30. Do not use JCenter use MavenCentral() in Build.Gradle Project file.

Expected behavior Was expecting re-build project correctly.

Screenshots image


Additional context Ask me anything additional.

Zardozz commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of #370

uburoiubu commented 3 years ago

same for me

tuvirus commented 3 years ago

@evrencoskun could you please help? I've not seen any commentary on any other issue report. Would like to know if any time it is going to be migrated....


Zardozz commented 3 years ago

In another PR when publishing problems were mentioned i did say in https://github.com/evrencoskun/TableView/pull/369#issuecomment-802347409 "I've just published another project to Maven Central (one of the alternatives)

The guide https://getstream.io/blog/publishing-libraries-to-mavencentral-2021/ was very good"

As some help to migrating.

fourofspades commented 3 years ago

Using this fork: implementation 'com.github.ooftf:tableview:'

lupaulus commented 3 years ago

Use Jitpack implementation

  1. Check Jitpack use :

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  2. Add implementation in project build :

    implementation 'com.github.evrencoskun:TableView:v0.8.9.4'