evrencoskun / TableView

TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells.
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Forcing sticky column header #400

Open bobbyirawan09 opened 2 years ago

bobbyirawan09 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I had an issue with the sticky column header, it does not work if I put it inside a complex fragment layout. But if I put it directly, like in Activity, the sticky does work

Nested complex layout

The nested complex layout (Activity)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <LinearLayout />
      <com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout />
      <ViewPager />
      <!-- The fragment is added inside view page -->
      <androidx.core.widget.ContentLoadingProgressBar />

The nested complex layout (Fragment)

      <include />
   <include />
         <com.evrencoskun.tableview.TableView />

The simple layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <include />
   <include />
         <com.evrencoskun.tableview.TableView />
         <include />

Is there some kind of a way to force it sticky, either programmatically or through XML? If it's through XML, how to do it? Since the XML itself had so many layers. Thanks

kurniawanrizzki commented 2 weeks ago

I face same issue, did you solve it?