evrowe / vscode-ember-syntax

Ember HTMLBars and Glimmer syntax highlighting
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Maintainers needed #4

Open DHedgecock opened 6 years ago

DHedgecock commented 6 years ago

I am no longer maintaining this package. If you're interested in picking up responsibility for it feel free.

May the force be with you.

mupkoo commented 5 years ago

Hey @DHedgecock ,

I can pick up the repo and add some patches.

jgwhite commented 4 years ago

I transferred ownership of ember-sortable to adopted-ember-addons last year and it was a very positive experience. Perhaps that would be a suitable maintenance plan for this project too?

DHedgecock commented 4 years ago

Hey @mupkoo I somehow missed your response way back when, my apologies, I'm going to try and go through the steps to transfer to adopted-ember-addons sometime this weekend, I'll update on this issue when it's been moved. Thanks for the callout @jgwhite đź‘Ť

evrowe commented 4 years ago

@jgwhite @DHedgecock I can handle transferring ownership of this repo over. Thank you for picking this up!

evrowe commented 4 years ago

@jgwhite It looks like you'll need to remove your fork of the repo before I can transfer this one to you. Let me know when you've done so and I will try again.

jgwhite commented 4 years ago

@evrowe done, thanks!

evrowe commented 4 years ago

@jgwhite You should now have a transfer request for the repo (coming from me as the owner)

jgwhite commented 4 years ago

@evrowe ah, sorry for not being clearer, I meant to suggest transferring the repository to @adopted-ember-addons, per the program guidelines.

evrowe commented 4 years ago

@jgwhite Got it, well please feel free to transfer ownership of the repo back to me and I can work on submitting it there, unless you'd like to shepherd that process

jgwhite commented 4 years ago

(I don’t have manage privileges on adopted-ember-addons, thus the need to go through the program process)

jgwhite commented 4 years ago

@evrowe perfect, thanks. Should be back with you now. Have a great weekend!