evt-project / evt-builder

Edition Visualization Technology 1 - XSLT Builder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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<l> + <lb/> combo not working within <lg> #2

Open ChiaraDipi opened 4 years ago

ChiaraDipi commented 4 years ago

Using <l>+<lb/> works perfectly with single verses. But when you put them inside a <lg> there is an extra paragraph at the beginning of each verse. Here is an extract of encoding:

   <lg type="stanza" n="1">
      <l n="1"><lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_35" n="35" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_35"/>Almyghty God in Trinite, inwardly<ptr target="#AD_note_1" type="noteAnchor"/> I thanke <ptr target="#AD_note_2" type="noteAnchor"/> þe</l>
      <l n="2">Ffor<ptr target="#AD_note_3" type="noteAnchor"/> thy gud ded, þat þu me wroghte, <lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_36" n="36" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_36"/>and with<ptr target="#AD_note_4" type="noteAnchor"/> þi precyous<ptr target="#AD_note_5" type="noteAnchor"/> blude<ptr target="#AD_note_6" type="noteAnchor"/> me boghte,</l>
      <l n="3">And<ptr target="#AD_note_4" type="noteAnchor"/> of all <ptr target="#AD_note_7" type="noteAnchor"/> gud<ptr target="#AD_note_8" type="noteAnchor"/> þat  þu lennes me, <ptr target="#AD_note_9" type="noteAnchor"/> <lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_37" n="37" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_37"/>Lorde, blyssede mott þu be:</l>
      <l n="4">Honour, <ptr target="#AD_note_10" type="noteAnchor"/> ioye, and louyng be til þi name with-owttyne endyng. Amen.<ptr target="#AD_note_11" type="noteAnchor"/></l>
   <lg type="stanza" n="2">
      <l n="5"><lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_38" n="38" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_38"/>Lorde God alweldande, I beteche todaye<ptr target="#AD_note_4" type="noteAnchor"/> into<ptr target="#AD_note_12" type="noteAnchor"/> þi hande </l>                    
      <l n="6">My saule and my body, <lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_39" n="39" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_39"/>and all my ffrendes specyally, </l>
      <l n="7">Bathe þe quik and þe dede: <ptr target="#AD_note_13" type="noteAnchor"/> graunt them parte of my<ptr target="#AD_note_14" type="noteAnchor"/> bede.<ptr target="#AD_note_15" type="noteAnchor"/></l>
      <l n="8"><lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_40" n="40" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_40"/>Kepe vs all in erthe here, ffore<ptr target="#AD_note_16" type="noteAnchor"/> þe<ptr target="#AD_note_17" type="noteAnchor"/> prayere of thi modyr dere, </l>
      <l n="9">And all thy <lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_41" n="41" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_41"/>haloghes þat are in heuene, <ptr target="#AD_note_18" type="noteAnchor"/> ffra þe dedly synnes seuene,</l>
      <l n="10">And fra <ptr target="#AD_note_19" type="noteAnchor"/> fandyng <lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_42" n="42" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_42"/>of þe euyll<ptr target="#AD_note_20" type="noteAnchor"/> wyghte, and ffra sodayne dede, bathe<ptr target="#AD_note_8" type="noteAnchor"/> daye and nygthe,</l>     
      <l n="11">Schelde<ptr target="#AD_note_21" type="noteAnchor"/> <lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_43" n="43" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_43"/>vs fra þe paynes<ptr target="#AD_note_22" type="noteAnchor"/> of hell, þat bitter<ptr target="#AD_note_23" type="noteAnchor"/> are<ptr target="#AD_note_24" type="noteAnchor"/> to thole and ffell,<ptr target="#AD_note_25" type="noteAnchor"/></l>
      <l n="12">And<ptr target="#AD_note_26" type="noteAnchor"/> with thi<ptr target="#AD_note_27" type="noteAnchor"/> grace <lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_44" n="44" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_44"/>fulfill<ptr target="#AD_note_28" type="noteAnchor"/> vs all, þat redy we may be<ptr target="#AD_note_29" type="noteAnchor"/> to þi<ptr target="#AD_note_30" type="noteAnchor"/> call,</l>
      <l n="13">And late vs neuer parte<ptr target="#AD_note_31" type="noteAnchor"/> fra þe, <lb facs="#Thornton_line_191v_45" n="45" xml:id="Thornton_lb_191v_45"/>alls thow for vs died one a <ptr target="#AD_note_32" type="noteAnchor"/> tree:<ptr target="#AK_note_2" type="noteAnchor"/></l>
      <l n="14">Graunte<ptr target="#AK_note_1" type="noteAnchor"/> vs, Lorde, þat [it] swa bee. Amen, amen, pur<ptr target="#AD_note_35" type="noteAnchor"/> charite.<ptr target="#AK_note_3" type="noteAnchor"/></l>

[Reported by @RobertoRDT ]

RobertoRDT commented 4 years ago

The encoding looks fine to me, this is the output with the 20191130 build:

Schermata del 2019-12-02 17-05-07

Output after pasting the above encoding at the end of the DOTR (line 35 and following) using build 20191206:


This is the output after disabling the verse/prose visualization:


From what I see, there are two problems: