evt-project / evt-builder

Edition Visualization Technology 1 - XSLT Builder
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Handle text visualization in columns and alignment #23

Open federicaspinelli opened 4 years ago

federicaspinelli commented 4 years ago

Create a "table visualization" for the text in order to divide the page in two parts and align the notes with the text the are referred to. See this image f.i.: immagine

gmarozzi commented 4 years ago

Create a "table visualization" for the text in order to divide the page in two parts and align the notes with the text the are referred to. Could it be useful to realize an encoding similar to the one employed in the <msDesc element (<div class="table" with <div class="row" and right_col / left_col)?

RobertoRDT commented 4 years ago

You can use <table> for that purpose, have you tried? See the Codice Pelavicino Digitale for an example, this markup:

               <table rend="frame" xml:id="XXVI_table_1">
                        <cell>Masium de <placeName ref="#Terria">Terria</placeName></cell>
                        <cell><persName ref="#IunctaTerria"> Iuncta de <placeName ref="#Terria">
                                    Terria </placeName></persName></cell>
                        <cell>staria III</cell>
                        <cell><persName ref="#Alegnetius">Alegnetius</persName>, filius<note
                                xml:id="XXVI_n_1" place="foot" n="a"> filius: <emph>manca
                        <cell rend="start">staria III</cell>
                        <cell><persName ref="#IacopinusMorignoli">Iacopinus
                        <cell>staria III</cell>
                        <cell><persName ref="#Vegnudellus">Vegnudellus</persName><note xml:id="XXVI_n_2"
                                place="foot" n="b"> Vegnudellus: g <emph>aggiunto in
                                    sopralinea</emph></note> et <persName ref="#Petriciolus"
                        <cell>staria III</cell>
                        <cell><persName ref="#FormentinusTranpulio">Formentinus de
                        <cell>staria III</cell>
                        <cell><persName ref="#Venutus">Vegnutus</persName> et <persName
                                ref="#Bonaiutus">Bonaiutus</persName>, fratres</cell>
                        <cell>staria III</cell>
                        <cell><persName ref="#BaronisNobilino">Barone de Nobilino</persName></cell>
                        <cell>starium I</cell>
                        <cell>Filii <persName ref="#BeatrixBonencontro">Beatricis de
                        <cell>starium I</cell>
                        <cell>Filii <persName ref="#AlbertusNobelini">Alberti de
                        <cell>starium I</cell>

is transformed into


gmarozzi commented 4 years ago

That's exactly was I was thinking about! I think I will only need to intervene in the css in order not to have the two different colors in the background. Could it be possible?

federicaspinelli commented 4 years ago

Fixed adding a rule to evt_builder-custom-styles.css