evykassirer / playing-the-internship-game

the rules, tips, and tricks I've learned on how to approach tech internships
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During the internship #18

Closed rudi-c closed 7 years ago

rudi-c commented 7 years ago


Also I never read that book lol

rudi-c commented 7 years ago

Trying this other alternative, which is less passive than the previous one.

| Consider how Keith Ferrazzi wrote a book on networking. It covers the subject broadly, yet he specifically named it "Never Eat Alone".

What I want to emphasize isn't so much networking, but the fact that a book was written 'by that name'. It's a form of "show don't tell".

evykassirer commented 7 years ago

I guess I just don't like the strength of the word "never" since I don't really agree with that :p

it's a small thing though, so idk maybe I can let it go

rudi-c commented 7 years ago

I don't either, I totally eat alone whenever I don't feel like chatting. I'm aware of the tradeoff when I do that though, as there is networking benefit (or even just get-to-know people benefit). I significantly undervalued it during my first internship as it didn't occur to me to make an effort, and I think it's also not something that would occur to everybody as being worthwhile trying in the first few times in a workplace.

evykassirer commented 7 years ago

Are you recommending the book, or just the title of it?

If you're just mentioning it for the title, I'd say leave it out. You make a good point already and I much prefer the message "eating with people can be a good learning a networking experience" to "never eat alone"

rudi-c commented 7 years ago

How about this version? I gave it a more personal take, so I also prefaced it with my name so I can stick to first-person.

Rudi: Lunch time tends to be a great time to ask more general questions, since people aren't focused on their work. It's a great way to get to know people, to hear their personal stories, to learn tidbits about the company, etc. There's a networking benefit to it, and a personal growth benefit to it from getting to know your coworkers better. Not every single lunch will yield something interesting, and you might not always feel like mingling- sometimes I don't feel like chatting. However, consider giving it a try, especially at the beginning of the internship. During my first internship, it didn't occur to me to make an effort, and I definitely missed out on a lot.

evykassirer commented 7 years ago

yeah that sounds perfect :) love the message here