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Composable Local Testnets #128

Closed jwasinger closed 5 years ago

jwasinger commented 5 years ago

The end-goal for this PR is to allow devs to spin up different configurations of testnets locally using docker-compose.

E.g. Say I want a three node testnet with geth-hera, geth-wagon, aleth alongside the testnet tooling. I could use a script (yet to be written) which will generate the necessary docker configs to spin this up locally.

I'm taking inspiration from https://github.com/paritytech/parity-deploy which does something similar but for parity.

axic commented 5 years ago

You know that you could include all the build steps in the docker file?

jwasinger commented 5 years ago

Etherchain isn't working properly in this config..

apparently RPC communication doesn't work properly with docker bridge networks... what a pain.

axic commented 5 years ago

What is the status of this?

jwasinger commented 5 years ago

Aforementioned issue with docker networking makes this a no-go.

jwasinger commented 5 years ago

Don't delete the branch yet. I still need it.