eweitz / ideogram

Chromosome visualization for the web
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Refine interaction detail, fix misdirected group interactions, test #292

Closed eweitz closed 2 years ago

eweitz commented 2 years ago

This refines the related genes kit, fixes two bugs, and adds more automated testing.

Previously, the tooltip would often say e.g. "is inhibited by FOO". Now the phrasing is trimmed, e.g. "inhibited by FOO".

The directionality of the reported interaction was also incorrect when the interacting gene was part of a group, i.e. when WikiPathways represented is as part of a complex or paralogous set. The direction is now fixed, and verified with an automated test.

The default Gene Hints view had also unintentionally left some genes unlabeled. Now all 20 genes are labeled in that default view, while still labeling only up to 10 genes in the related view shown after searching a gene.