Closed martinschlund closed 3 years ago
Thanks Martin.
The short answer is that splines are not currently supported.
takes a summary table and joins it to a regression output. So it falls down when a summary table doesn't match the regression model output.
However, you could do this.
# Get data
# Recode variables
Melanoma <- Melanoma %>%
mutate(statusDSS = if_else(status == 1, 1, 0),#create disease-specific survival
age = ff_label(age, "Age (years)"),
sex = ff_label(sex, "Sex")
# Define regression parameters
explanatory = c("rcs(age)", 'sex')
dependent = 'Surv(time, statusDSS)'
# Uni
coxUni <- Melanoma %>%
coxphuni(dependent, explanatory) %>%
fit2df(estimate_suffix = " (univariable)")
# Multi
coxMulti <- Melanoma %>%
coxphmulti(dependent, explanatory) %>%
fit2df(estimate_suffix = " (multivariable)")
# Bring together
full_join(coxUni, coxMulti) %>%
dependent_label(Melanoma, dependent)
Joining, by = "explanatory"
explanatory HR (univariable) HR (multivariable)
rcs(age)age 0.98 (0.92-1.05, p=0.575) 0.99 (0.92-1.06, p=0.697)
rcs(age)age' 1.12 (0.87-1.45, p=0.379) 1.09 (0.84-1.42, p=0.520)
rcs(age)age'' 0.47 (0.09-2.40, p=0.363) 0.57 (0.11-3.00, p=0.504)
rcs(age)age''' 5.31 (0.23-121.49, p=0.296) 3.60 (0.15-86.72, p=0.429)
sexMale 1.94 (1.15-3.26, p=0.013) 1.70 (0.99-2.90, p=0.052)
You may be happy to adjust this dataframe directly and export in the standard manner.
The following is convoluted but may give you some ideas of what you could do. You need to run it row by row and edit to apply it to your own data.
Melanoma %>%
summary_factorlist(dependent, explanatory, fit_id = TRUE) %>% # summary table
slice(-n()) %>% # remove the empty rcs term which last row
label = c("age", "age'", "age''", "age'''"), # add labels for the splines as you wish
fit_id = coxUni$explanatory[1:4], # include the regression labels for the spline terms
.after = 1
) %>%
mutate(index = 1:n()) %>% # Adjust row ordering variable
ff_merge(coxUni) %>%
ff_merge(coxMulti, last_merge = TRUE) %>%
mutate_at(vars(levels, all), ~ifelse(, "", .)) %>% # Hack to change missing values to empty cells.
dependent_label(Melanoma, dependent) # Add dependent variable as header if desired
Dependent: Surv(time, statusDSS) all HR (univariable) HR (multivariable)
Age (years) Mean (SD) 52.5 (16.7) - -
age 0.98 (0.92-1.05, p=0.575) 0.99 (0.92-1.06, p=0.697)
age' 1.12 (0.87-1.45, p=0.379) 1.09 (0.84-1.42, p=0.520)
age'' 0.47 (0.09-2.40, p=0.363) 0.57 (0.11-3.00, p=0.504)
age''' 5.31 (0.23-121.49, p=0.296) 3.60 (0.15-86.72, p=0.429)
Sex Female 126 (61.5) - -
Male 79 (38.5) 1.94 (1.15-3.26, p=0.013) 1.70 (0.99-2.90, p=0.052)
Thank you, that is great! Exactly what I was looking for.
Best regards
Once again, thank you for a great package! A question: is there a way to include splines like with the rcs() from the rms-package with finalfit? Below is an example of what I tried, the output from finalfit is not ideal though, so a suggestion for a workaround is much appreciated.
Best regards, Martin