ewerybody / a2

Autohotkey module managing and developing framework.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Paste plain does not return just plain #193

Closed sirtet closed 3 years ago

sirtet commented 4 years ago

It returns original instead of plain text. When i was first trying, i got plain sometimes and original other times. Now i get only original.

PS: there's a checkbox ´make some awesome stuff´, seems to be leftover boilerplate code?

PPS: @ewerybody, I commented on the closed gtranslate issue, not sure if you get notifys for closed issues...

ewerybody commented 4 years ago

Hey thanks for reporting! But this is very weird. I'm unable to repro. It just works pretty reliable as expected for me. See What OS version do you have? Are you on Win 10?

on PS: regarding the make some awesome stuff. Pardon. Thats the default text on a Hotkey element :) I changed it now.

on PPS: Yeah no worries. ;] I get notifications for everything 🌊

ewerybody commented 4 years ago

Hey @sirtet. I could not repro and the placeholder text has been fixed. I'm closing this for now. cheers!

ewerybody commented 3 years ago

Dang I just found a way to repro this!

So at least sometimes. Kind of unreliable. Turns out there were others experiencing this (like 10 years ago already!) And there were attempts in working around on reddit.

One way was to blacklist via reg ex... You'd need A LOT of characters included. Another was to white list. Which is super possible (including all weird ümläuts and stuff). But ... Do we really need this?

I just checked in an update to the script. At least in my case the occurences of still formatted pastes are much more rare! I'll make a small release just now. So you can try out.

ewerybody commented 3 years ago

@sirtet: a2.modules has a new release! At least the issue almost disappeared. I had a pretty solid repro on my webmail app and now I ONLY see it if I hold the PastePlain button and then the ... 20th or so paste is still bold.