ewilderj / doap

RDF schema for describing software projects
Apache License 2.0
270 stars 57 forks source link

Question (file extension) .doap.rdf, .rdf, .doap.xml, .xml and .xrdf #77

Closed sjehuda closed 2 years ago

sjehuda commented 2 years ago


What's the file extension for DOAP?

kjetilk commented 2 years ago

DOAP is expressed in terms of RDF and RDF can be expressed in a number of different syntaxes. For historical reasons, it was originally expressed in XML, I guess you saw .xml and .xrdf back in the day.

We weren't really big fans of XML though, so other syntaxes were developed. Most common today are Turtle where .ttl is recommended, or JSON-LD, where .jsonld is recommended.

sjehuda commented 2 years ago

Thank you