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swfobject.embedSWF(...) 2.2 does not return to original page on Win7 (64) IE8 (32) - other Win not tested #520

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I first reported this an - expressInstall.swf - bug see


but the guys there say that expressInstall.swf  "Is broken by design" for both 
Firefox and IE and is not designed to return to the users page after the flash 
upgrade. [FX me banging head on desk] as it does just that.

Below is a copy of the "comment" I am about to post to that bug.  Please 
forgive the CAPS (but I am shouting) I really do feel that I should not have to 
educate support staff as to the CORE functionality of their product.

If anyone has any clout with adobe on this, the end users would thank you -


Jingyuan, Adobe's  product  - expressInstall.swf -  does A LOT MORE  than you 
said.  It will install flash (both the AX an pluging) AND THEN after your 
browser window is closed IT WILL (it does) return to the original web page 
being viewed.

To do this - expressInstall.swf  - needs to be launced with  flashvars that 
contain   MMredirectURL= (and others) below is a working example captured from 
the Firefox DOM with Firebug  

<object height="180"
<param name="flashvars" 
amp;MMdoctitle=your.site - Flash Player Installation">

the above example was generated by Adobe's  swfobject.js (ver 2.2) by calling 

- swfobject.showExpressInstall(...)

IT WORKS! its installs flash AND comes back to the users starting page.

- swfobject.showExpressInstall(...)  ALSO works CORRECTLY when using Win7 (64)  
I.E. 8 (32)  It ALSO COMES back to the starting page after flash instalation.

================- THE BUG   -- THE BUG --  THE BUG -===

but ------ THE BUG ----- is that if you call the swfobject.js (ver 2.2) routine 
- swfobject.embedSWF(...)

  params.FlashVars = '$flashvars';

  swfobject.embedSWF(.... params, ....)

and that routine decides that you need the upgrade it creates GOOD code for 
plugin Browsers (Firefox) BUT BROKEN code for Win7(64) IE 8(32) !!!!   (Others 
not tested)

The markup generated by - swfobject.embedSWF(...) 2.2  - for I.E. is broken  in 
that it adds in a setting of YOUR .swf's flash vars to the launch of - 
expressInstall.swf  - and not the values that should include MMredirectURL=...  
(example caputred from the IE8 DOM with IE F12 debugger) -

<OBJECT id=SWFObjectExprInst classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 
width=480 height=180>
<PARAM NAME="_cx" VALUE="12700">
<PARAM NAME="_cy" VALUE="4762">
<PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="Movie" VALUE="/fi/jic/idsv/expressInstall.swf">
<PARAM NAME="Src" VALUE="/fi/jic/idsv/expressInstall.swf">
<param name="flashvars" value="actual-customer-data-removed"/>

Yes the flash still gets updated   BUT THE CUSTOMERS  expirence is HORRIBLE as 
they get dummped at


THIS IS A WIDESPREAD BUG  there are lots of sites out there that upgrade 
beautfully with Firefox etc but painfully with WIN 7(64) IE 8 (32)    others 
(WIN x) not tested by me.

Please please please - look into this bug ==============


DO NOT use - swfobject.embedSWF(...)

Write your own using

- - swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion(...)
- - swfobject.showExpressInstall(...) 

but we should not have to.


Original issue reported on code.google.com by roger.pf...@gmail.com on 21 Nov 2010 at 5:42

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
ExpressInstall has always been a difficult issue for us to handle, as we only 
have limited control; the browser vendors and Adobe have the final say in how 
ExpressInstall works.

This definitely merits further investigation/experimentation.

Thanks for the submission

Original comment by platelu...@gmail.com on 16 May 2011 at 5:56