ewoken / Leaflet.MovingMarker

A Leaflet plug-in to create moving marker
MIT License
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Add lineIndexChanged Event #14

Open sorokya opened 8 years ago

sorokya commented 8 years ago

I've added a new event for when the lineIndex is changed. I needed this for a project I was working on so that I could update a separate view based on what part of the polyLine the marker was on.

The naming could be changed, I just used lineIndex

purnamasari commented 5 years ago

It's working sir, please accept this commit since there's a lot people would need this update.

purnamasari commented 5 years ago

And also thank you for adding this event sir! I've been looking out for this things for couple days. Also many thanks directly to the author of this library, many great things can be achieved here. Cheers.

sorokya commented 5 years ago

No problem, glad someone else got use from this