ewpatton / collustra

A web-based tool for constructing SPARQL endpoints and exploring RDF data
MIT License
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A list of SPARQL endpoints that currently won't work with Collustra #18

Open fumingshih opened 10 years ago

fumingshih commented 10 years ago

As a note to keep track of public repositories out there

List of repo that won’t work with Collustra http://sparql.yovisto.com/ http://meducator.open.ac.uk/resourcesrestapi/rest/meducator/sparql http://eventmedia.eurecom.fr/sparql http://citeseer.rkbexplorer.com/sparql/ http://geo.linkeddata.es/sparql http://sparql.reegle.info/ http://www.rdfabout.com/sparql

ewpatton commented 10 years ago

If you can, also make a note of why they don't work by checking the browser console, e.g. CORS problems or HTTP errors, etc.