ewrfcas / MVSFormer

Codes of MVSFormer: Multi-View Stereo by Learning Robust Image Features and Temperature-based Depth (TMLR2023)
Apache License 2.0
175 stars 10 forks source link

The OneDrive link of pretrained models can not be accessed. #15

Open detectRecog opened 1 year ago

detectRecog commented 1 year ago

Is the link (https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah2VkULmkiqPryH_Tl2PUS6Is831?e=BgCuOY) outdated? I can not access it and I tried many proxies.

Could someone help to upload pretrained models to Google drive?

ewrfcas commented 1 year ago

I could access this address. My Google drive is suffer from limited space...

detectRecog commented 1 year ago

@ewrfcas Could you please upload to BaiduYun or send to me by email (1078150877@qq.com)? Then, I can help to upload to google drive. Than you very much

Yifei-Y commented 11 months ago

@ewrfcas Could you please upload to BaiduYun or send to me by email (1078150877@qq.com)? Then, I can help to upload to google drive. Than you very much

I cannot access the pretrained models through the OneDrive link either...If the author send you the model weights, could you please send me a copy (yf.yang.research@outlook.com)? Thanks!