ewrfcas / MVSFormer

Codes of MVSFormer: Multi-View Stereo by Learning Robust Image Features and Temperature-based Depth (TMLR2023)
Apache License 2.0
175 stars 10 forks source link

dtu数据集 #25

Closed ligang305 closed 1 year ago

ligang305 commented 1 year ago

您好,请问为什么选择用原尺寸(DTU_origin/Rectified)图片呢?(而不用预处理过的图片) 我想在UniMVSNet上用一下Twins来处理FPN提取到的特征,该咋弄呢。谢谢大佬

ewrfcas commented 1 year ago

More information could be found in our paper (Section3.2 Efficient Multi-scale Training).