ewrfcas / MVSFormer

Codes of MVSFormer: Multi-View Stereo by Learning Robust Image Features and Temperature-based Depth (TMLR2023)
Apache License 2.0
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error code about gvt.py #34

Open cocowy1 opened 5 months ago

cocowy1 commented 5 months ago

恭喜,这篇工作给予了我很大的启发,我在尝试复现的Twins的过程中遇到了一些麻烦,作者大大能否给予我一些提示? 具体错误出现在gvt.py文件中 line 204行 groupblock这一段,传参只有十个但是报错说给了11个,对此bug毫无头绪,请作者大大有时间帮我瞅一眼,多谢!是因为self的原因嘛 报错显示为“init() takes from 3 to 10 positional arguments but 11 were given File "/home/ywang/my_projects/others/CFNet-main/models/gvt.py", line 207, in init super(GroupBlock, self).init(dim, num_heads, mlp_ratio, qkv_bias, drop, attn_drop, drop_path, act_layer, norm_layer”


ewrfcas commented 5 months ago
