exAspArk / graphql-guard

Simple authorization gem for GraphQL :lock:
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Arguments using loads don't get loaded in mutations unless in a subtype #49

Open alexanderdavide opened 3 years ago

alexanderdavide commented 3 years ago

Apparent bug

It seems like arguments of mutations that use loads to automatically load the types from the database don't get loaded unless they are nested in another type. With queries I have not experienced any issues.


rails: 6.0.3 graphql_ruby: 1.11.6 graphql_guard: 2.0


This query works fine. The facility entity is present in args[facility] in the GuardPolicy. args is a hash.

field :facility, Types::Facility::FacilityType, 'Returns a certain Facility',
                        null: false, authenticate: false do
        argument :facility_id, GraphQL::Types::ID, required: true, loads: Types::Facility::FacilityType
        argument :locale, String, required: true

def facility(facility:, locale:)

This mutation does not work. There is a args[exhibitor] key ('_id' is stripped) but it contains the bare exhibitor_id. In comparison to the query, args is of type class.

class UpdateExhibitor < Mutations::BaseMutation
  null false

  argument :locale, String, required: true
  argument :exhibitor_id, ID, required: true, loads: Types::Exhibitor::ExhibitorType
  argument :data, Types::Exhibitor::ExhibitorUpdateInput, required: true

  type Types::Exhibitor::ExhibitorType

  def resolve(locale:, exhibitor:, data:)
    EntityInteraction.update_entity(exhibitor, data)

This mutation does work. It contains the loaded argument in a 'nested' type. The exhibition entity is available in args[:data][:exhibition]:

class CreateEvent < Mutations::BaseMutation
  null false

  argument :locale, String, required: true
  argument :data, Types::Shared::AssociatedWithExhibitionCreateInput, required: true

  type Types::Event::EventType

  def resolve(locale:, data:)
    EntityInteraction.create_entity(::Event, data)
class AssociatedWithExhibitionCreateInput < BaseCreateInput
  description 'Attributes for create action of entities associated with exhibition'
  argument :exhibition_id, ID, required: true, loads: Exhibition::ExhibitionType