Open herbertludowieg opened 5 years ago
This is a good issue. I think both approaches you tried are valid. I think I am in favor of the first approach, with a string keyword and a dict of the appropriate classes. If I were to neglect all of the pieces specific to the VA class, I think a MWE could look something like:
from exatomic import gaussian
from exatomic import molcas
def output_router(fpaths, soft, as_unis=False):
outputs = {'gaussian': gaussian.Output,
'molcas': molcas.Output}
if as_unis:
return [outputs[soft](fpath).to_universe() for fpath in fpaths]
return [outputs[soft](fpath) for fpath in fpaths]
def input_router(unis, soft, inp_kws=None):
inputs = {'gaussian': gaussian.Input,
'molcas': molcas.Input}
if inp_kws is None:
inp_kws = {}
return [inputs[soft].from_universe(uni, **inp_kws) for uni in unis]
Alternatively, I could see it being more useful to just pass a directory path (and I neglect use of pathlib here but recommend it generally), e.g.:
import os
def parse_output_dir(dirpath, soft):
# same outputs dictionary as above
fls = [os.path.join(dirpath, fl) for fl in os.listdir(dirpath)]
outs = []
for fl in fls:
try: # certainly not all files will be parsed
except: # make this as sophisticated as you want
return outs
And now that I've written this out, I am reminded of some of the tuning code:
This is also highly specific and only really pertains to a systematic file naming scheme and only aims to complete a single task. But it might give you some ideas of what not to do 😄
I think we could really benefit of a class that could take a universe as an input to generate inputs for any quantum-code or take file paths and read the respective outputs. Something I have been playing around with for an output reader is.
I tried out using a predefined dictionary where you could input a string and it looks for the key in the dict. If it's not found we could raise a NotImplemented error to safely exit. Another way I tried it out was to have a user input the output parser function to be used directly both of which worked fine in this implementation. This code is for a very specific example but we could probably generalize it so it can look in a user defined directory for the files.