exacaster / lighter

REST API for Apache Spark on K8S or YARN
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bug docker image path #916

Closed cometta closed 7 months ago

cometta commented 7 months ago

i specified "spark.kubernetes.container.image" in LIGHTER_SESSION_DEFAULT_CONF , but the juypter notebook can't identify it. in order to work, i need to insert this key in %%configure jupyter notebook. Also tested with latest docker image 0.1.0-spark3.5.0 and 0.0.50-spark3.5.0. Does LIGHTER_SESSION_DEFAULT_CONF key work on latest version of lighter?

pdambrauskas commented 7 months ago

Just checked locally it seems to work for me. Can you provide more details, how are you trying to set LIGHTER_SESSION_DEFAULT_CONF variable? snippet of your kubernetes deployment configuration maybe?

I've tested it with this this value: {"spark.kubernetes.container.image":"test"}

cometta commented 7 months ago

on 0.0.50-spark3.5.0

                            value: '{ "spark.kubernetes.container.image": "something/something:latest",  }

due to my code has extra comma at the back. after removed, issue solved.

on 0.1.0-spark3.5.0 , i still cant get it works after removed the comma. can you verify this?

pdambrauskas commented 7 months ago

Are you sure you did not have an extra comma when testing on 0.1.0? It seems to work locally for me.

cometta commented 7 months ago

I reran again. i checked, no extra comma. i used same deployment.yaml able to run on 0.0.50-spark3.5.0 , but cant run on tag 0.1.0-spark3.5.0, i get below error in jupyter notebook, the session pod spun up and die immediately. dont have enough time to see any error message

The code failed because of a fatal error:
    Invalid status code '200' from http://spark-something:8080/lighter/api/sessions/c134a609-836e-4bfd-aa02-5e7d1b1f7ccd/statements with error payload: {"id":"866268c5-a2aa-4338-9a40-61a36cede9de","code":"spark","output":null,"state":"waiting","createdAt":"2024-03-06T01:53:20.102609"}.

Some things to try:
a) Make sure Spark has enough available resources for Jupyter to create a Spark context.
b) Contact your Jupyter administrator to make sure the Spark magics library is configured correctly.
c) Restart the kernel.

did you tested on k8s?

pdambrauskas commented 7 months ago

Thanks for detailed response. I see that statement api returns http status 200, while sparkmagic is expecting 201.

It is not related to lighter_session_default_conf. It was probably broken, with one of new features introduced in 0.1.0.

Will try to fix it and release as soon as possible.

pdambrauskas commented 7 months ago

I've prepared an MR for the fix, and built an image for it: ghcr.io/exacaster/lighter:919-spark3.5.1

cometta commented 7 months ago

solved on ghcr.io/exacaster/lighter:919-spark3.5.1