exacity / deeplearningbook-chinese

Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
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翻译校正 #143

Closed Sudouble closed 6 years ago

Sudouble commented 6 years ago

“第2部分 深度网络:现代实践”的前言部分,有的地方翻译与原文相去甚远,其他部分的尚在阅读中。

  1. 原文:This part of the book describes the core parametric function approximation technology that is behind nearly all modern practical applications of deep learning. 书中译文:本书这一部分描述参数化函数近似技术的核心,几乎所有现在实际应用的深度学习背后都用到了这一技术。


原文:Scaling these models to large inputs such as highresolution images or long temporal sequences requires specialization. 书中翻译:将这些模型扩展到大输入(如高分辨率图像或长时间序列)需要专门化。


SwordYork commented 6 years ago

第一句我们再考虑一下。 第二句原翻译问题不大,

Scaling these models to large inputs such as highresolution images or long temporal sequences requires specialization.


Scaling these models to large inputs requires specialization.

以下是用来举例 large inputs 的

such as high resolution images or long temporal sequences


Sudouble commented 6 years ago

第一句的原文感觉属于直译,理解起来可能没问题。 第二句的断句有需要修改的地方,“需要专门化”这个应该是修饰“长时间序列”的。

SwordYork commented 6 years ago

high resolution images 和 long temporal sequences 是并列的