exacity / deeplearningbook-chinese

Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
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10.2.1章节,P233页,最后一段翻译问题。 #224

Closed zZer0o closed 3 years ago

zZer0o commented 3 years ago

中文版 10.2.1 章节最后一段,开头写的是:“如果之后网络在开环(open-loop)模式下使用 ..."。 但是英文版对应文字是:“The disadvantage of strict teacher forcing arises if the network is going to be later used in an closed-loop mode, with the network outputs (or samples from the output distribution) fed back as input.”。不太清楚到底是原版作者还是翻译方的问题。

而且我注意到了 closed-loop 前面的冠词是 an 而不是 a,是不是代表着英文版以前写得就是 open-loop,后被原作者改为 closed-loop,同时作者忘记修改冠词?