Open dbeckers99 opened 2 years ago
Same error
Experiencing the same error I have successfully set up compreFace following the instruction but I can not sign up or register
Could you run docker-compose logs
and share the result?
It looks like CompreFace didn't run all database scripts because it was stopped. Is it a new CompreFace installation? If yes, you need to clean the DB:
docker-compose down
docker volume ls
(Probably it will be compreface_101_postgres-data)docker volume rm compreface_101_postgres-data
If you migrated from the previous CompreFace version and get such an error, do not delete the volume, it's needed to be done more carefully.
Thanks. I tried this, mad a restart but the problem is still the same.
Attached the new log output file.
From the new log, it looks like it didn't start yet.
You need to wait 30-60 seconds until you open CompreFace
Other option - to run docker-compose logs -f
and wait until new logs stop to appear and then open CompreFace
Next try, same result... log-out-3.txt
And here the tail of the log output if I wait until startup and try to sign up
in log3 and log4 there is the same error as in log1 So please, delete the volume again and run CompreFace, but wait 60 seconds.
I installed the latest version of CompreFace, started the docker container and now try to sign up an accout at the login page (http://localhost:8000/login)
After fill out all fields I simply get an error message "Sorry, something went wrong"
Whe else can I sign up to get a valid account?