exakat / exakat

The Exakat Engine : smart static analysis for PHP
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cannot create db/gsneo4j.pid #46

Closed AgoraSecurity closed 5 years ago

AgoraSecurity commented 6 years ago

Is this normal:

$ php exakat.phar project -p sculpin -v
Cleaning project
Cleaning project sculpin
removing log
removing datastore.sqlite
Removed 1 files
Recreating database
Search for external libraries
Processing files
No files to process. Aborting
Running project 'sculpin'
Running the following analysis : CompatibilityPHP53, CompatibilityPHP54, CompatibilityPHP55, CompatibilityPHP56, CompatibilityPHP70, CompatibilityPHP71, CompatibilityPHP72, CompatibilityPHP73, Analyze, Preferences, Inventory, Performances, Appinfo, Appcontent, Dead code, Security, Custom
Producing the following reports : Ambassador
Cleaning DB
sh: 1: cannot create db/gsneo4j.pid: Directory nonexistent

Then it takes a long time ( I waited about 10 min), but I see no progress nor any more messages.

AgoraSecurity commented 6 years ago

Should I let the program keep running?

AgoraSecurity commented 6 years ago

I manage to make some progress by installing software, anyhow I still have problems:

$ php exakat.phar project -p sculpin -v
Cleaning project
Cleaning project sculpin
removing log
removing datastore.sqlite
Removed 1 files
Recreating database
Search for external libraries
Processing files
No files to process. Aborting
Running project 'sculpin'
Running the following analysis : CompatibilityPHP53, CompatibilityPHP54, CompatibilityPHP55, CompatibilityPHP56, CompatibilityPHP70, CompatibilityPHP71, CompatibilityPHP72, CompatibilityPHP73, Analyze, Preferences, Inventory, Performances, Appinfo, Appcontent, Dead code, Security, Custom
Producing the following reports : Ambassador
Cleaning DB
stop gremlin server 3.2.x
started [44834] in 2,801.93 ms
Running files
Check composer
Searching for files
Found the files
Check compilation for 56
Check compilation for 70
Check compilation for 71
Check short tag (normal pass)
Check short tag (with directive activated)
Short tag OK
Check config files
+ composer.json
 + composer.lock
 + .git
 + .gitignore
 + phpunit.xml.dist
 + .scrutinizer.yml
 + .travis.yml
    [notCompilable52] => N/C
    [notCompilable53] => N/C
    [notCompilable54] => N/C
    [notCompilable55] => N/C
    [notCompilable56] => 0
    [notCompilable70] => 0
    [notCompilable71] => 0
    [notCompilable72] => N/C
    [notCompilable73] => N/C
    [php] => 149

Error : PHP binary for version 7.2 doesn't have the right middle version : "7.1.15" is provided. Please, check config/exakat.ini 
on file phar:///home/agora/exakat/exakat.phar/library/Exakat/Phpexec.php
on line 216

My configuration file is:

; use tinkergraph or gsneo4j
graphdb = 'gsneo4j';

; where is neo4j inside a gremlin server host
gsneo4j_host     = '';
gsneo4j_port     = '8182';
gsneo4j_folder   = 'tinkergraph';

php56 = /usr/bin/php5.6
php70 =/usr/bin/php7.0
php71 =/usr/bin/php7.1

token_limit = 1000000000

; Default themes to run
project_themes[] = 'CompatibilityPHP56';
project_themes[] = 'CompatibilityPHP70';
project_themes[] = 'CompatibilityPHP71';
project_themes[] = 'Analyze';
project_themes[] = 'Preferences';
project_themes[] = 'Appinfo';
project_themes[] = 'Appcontent';
project_themes[] = '"Dead code"';
project_themes[] = 'Security';
project_themes[] = 'Custom';

; Default reports to generate
project_reports[] = 'Ambassador';

I don't understand why I'm seeing that error.

Any ideas?


exakat commented 6 years ago

Hi AgoraSecurity

did you run 'doctor' after the installation ? It finishes the installation and checks it.

Waiting 10 mins to clone sculpin is too long. Something is not installed.