examachine / pisi

PISI package manager of Pardus linux written in Python. The original development branch by the main author.
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. #109

Closed Zaryob closed 4 years ago

examachine commented 7 years ago

I think it should be python. Python is futuristic, it's great. I made the right design decision after all. :P

Good thinking brother. :) Yes, we should definitely drop weird dependencies if we can.

A new API in actions.py like configure sounds like a good idea. But we have to be certain that we can cover this within actions.py or if we need a new daemon. Writing a daemon in python is EASY, doesn't require a lot of kludge like comar seems to be. We can write as many daemons or as extra system tools as necessary. Let's keep an open mind and do the right thing.

examachine commented 7 years ago

So, we have top level actions for building, and installing, and maybe we also need some hooks for

Not sure what exactly we need or all the things that comar already does with regards to pkg config. Just thinking in terms of debconf: https://wiki.debian.org/debconf

In COMAR we don't ask the user any questions and store any information about such choices, so that sounds like the only place where it truly differs, and we always prefer auto configuration in Pardus distro -- no hard choices for the user. So that's like the only two things that differ in practice from debconf. Is that true for also PISI Linux distro?

examachine commented 7 years ago

There is an issue about an alternatives system. About an implementation of port select command.

examachine commented 3 years ago

birader sen neye istinadan pisi'yi fork edip ismimi cikariyorsun? derhal bu fikir hirsizligina son verin. kafayi mi yediniz?

examachine commented 3 years ago

Fork ettiginiz versiyon orijinal pardus takiminda yer alan iftiraci ve kumpasci bir kisinin benim account'umu ve adimi kaynak dosyalarindan cikarmasi sonucu pisi'nin %85'ini yazmisken sanki siradan bir contributor gibi gozukmeme yol acan bir tahrifat ve ozgecmisime yapilan bir saldiriyi icermektedir. Bu adilige ortak oluyorsunuz. Derhal o paketi kaldirin. Gormeyecegim onu.

examachine commented 3 years ago

Bir daha yazayim acikca anlasilsin, saniyorum caglar beyefendi pisi'yi tezine koymus orada da katkisini abartabilmek icin ilk yazarin kim oldugunu GIZLEME geregi duymustur. Buna intihal deniyor. Eger bu kepazelige ortak olursaniz buyuk bir hata islemis olursunuz.

examachine commented 3 years ago

AUTHORS dosyasini buradaki development branch'den alirsaniz, her dosyanin basindaki copyright ve Authors satirlarini TAHRIF ETMEDEN kopyalarsaniz, ve paketin adini pisi-sulo gibi pisi- prefix'i ile degistirirseniz istediginiz gibi fork edebilirsiniz. Buna izin veririm. Ama bu turlu benim sahsima ve tarihceme hakarettir. Ticari zarar veriyorsunuz su anda bana.

examachine commented 3 years ago

Ayrica GNU Pardus chatroom'unda pisi linux icin cop denmis, ayiptir, bu tur saldirgan ve cocukca davranislar ozgur yazilim ruhuna uymamaktadir, derhal mentor olarak sosyopatlari secmekten vazgeciniz. Ve pisi linux grubuna anonim troll gonderiyorsaniz, eger o tuhaf kimseler sizinle iletisim icerisindeyse, geri gelmemelerini soyleyiniz.