examachine / pisi

PISI package manager of Pardus linux written in Python. The original development branch by the main author.
39 stars 13 forks source link

TODO issues #78

Open examachine opened 7 years ago

examachine commented 7 years ago
$ find pisi -iname '*py' | xargs grep TODO
pisi/actionsapi/pisitoolsfunctions.py:            #TODO FIXME: use an internal install routine for these
pisi/actionsapi/variables.py:    # TODO: Eventually we should consider getting these from a/the
pisi/api.py:    # TODO: this is definitely not dynamic beyond this point!
pisi/api.py:    #TODO: fetch the files from server if possible (wow, you maniac -- future exa)
pisi/api.py:        #TODO: either don't delete version files here, or remove force flag...
pisi/atomicoperations.py:        #TODO: IS THERE ENOUGH SPACE?
pisi/cli/__init__.py:        # TODO: need to look at more kinds of info messages
pisi/cli/__init__.py:        #TODO: this seems quite redundant?
pisi/cli/commands.py:        # TODO: We'll get the username, password pair from a configuration
pisi/cli/commands.py:        #TODO? Discard Help's own usage doc in favor of general usage doc
pisi/component.py:    # TODO: this is probably not necessary since we use fully qualified 
pisi/config.py:#TODO: remove this
pisi/file.py:            # TODO: code to use old .sha1sum file, is this a necessary optimization?
pisi/file.py:            localfile = uri.get_uri() #TODO: use a special function here?
pisi/index.py:            # TODO: in the future well do all of this with purl/pfile/&helpers
pisi/index.py:        #TODO: may use try/except to handle this
pisi/itembyrepodb.py:    # TODO: carry this to repodb, really :/
pisi/lockeddbshelve.py:            # TODO: consider DB_THREAD
pisi/operations.py:    # TODO: conflicts
pisi/pxml/autoxml.py:        #TODO: initialize class attribute __xml_tags
pisi/pxml/autoxml.py:            # TODO: indent here
pisi/pxml/autoxml.py:        #TODO: python 3.x: same behavior?
pisi/util.py:# TODO: it might be worthwhile to try to remove the