example42 / puppet-mysql

Mysql Puppet Module
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Change in init.pp source_dir varaible #64

Open wooziethe opened 9 years ago

wooziethe commented 9 years ago

Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter source failed on File[mysql.dir]: Cannot use relative URLs '' at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/mysql/manifests/init.pp:427

$source_dir = params_lookup( 'source_dir' ),

if $mysql::source_dir { file { 'mysql.dir': ensure => directory, path => $mysql::config_dir, require => Package['mysql'], notify => $mysql::manage_service_autorestart, source => $mysql::source_dir, recurse => true, purge => $mysql::bool_source_dir_purge, replace => $mysql::manage_file_replace, audit => $mysql::manage_audit, } }

$source_dir must be changed to false: $source_dir = false,
