example42 / puppet-nagios

Puppet module for Nagios
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Storedconfigs are saved into the wrong config folder #3

Closed jskarpe closed 11 years ago

jskarpe commented 11 years ago

I'm running nagios on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and enabling $debug shows that the $customconfigdir points to /etc/nagios3/auto.d/hosts/

as expected, however, the storedconfigs are all written to:


Am I missing an option to get the storedconfigs into the right place?

jskarpe commented 11 years ago

I fixed this issue by adding a drity hack to target.pp

It should probably be patched properly, such that target.pp reuse the same $customdir as defined in init.pp

alvagante commented 11 years ago

This is actually a problem I'm aware of, and the quick solution, for the moment is to set the value of $customconfigdir as acceptable by the distro of the Nagios server. (/etc/nagios3/auto.d or /etc/nagios/auto.d according to cases).

billtang commented 11 years ago

For nagios 3.4.4 on CentOS 6, cfg_dir should be '/etc/nagios/objects' as there are no '/etc/nagios/auto.d/' or '/etc/nagios/modules' directories.

alvagante commented 11 years ago

actually it makes sense to keep the config_dir to /etc/nagios[3] as that's the whole configuration directory. /etc/nagios/auto.d is created by the module to place all the exported resources. The reason behind a top scope $:: nagios_customconfigdir (as in target.pp) is to work around the problem that a directory whose path is relevant to the server's os, has to be used in files exported from other hosts, which may have a different os.

billtang commented 11 years ago

setting cfg_dir=/etc/nagios in file nagios.cfg on CentOS 6 with nagios 3.4.4 would fail checkconfig.

By the way, 'include nagios' would fail bringing up nagios on a managed host due to cmd file (command_file=/var/spool/nagios/cmd ) should be a pipe, not a directory. The directory seems to be created by puppet agent; without deleting it, nagios service won't start.

alvagante commented 11 years ago

Oops, sorry, I misunderstood. The cfg_dir in the (module's default) nagios configuration file points to /etc/nagios/auto.d/ because there is were all the configurations are automatically placed. For the command_file issue are you referring to the lines in skel.pp? (don't remember why they are there..):

  if $::operatingsystem =~ /(?i:Debian|Ubuntu|Mint)/ {
    file { '/var/lib/nagios3/rw':
      ensure  => directory,
      mode    => '0770',
      require => Package["nagios"],

probably because on different distros is in different places (params.pp)

  $commandfile = $::operatingsystem ? {
    /(?i:RedHat|Centos|Scientific|Fedora|Amazon|Linux)/ => '/var/spool/nagios/cmd',
    /(?i:Debian|Ubuntu|Mint)/                           => '/var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd',
   default                                             => '/var/lib/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd',
billtang commented 11 years ago

With regard to issue relating to cmd, it works after I commented out the section of code in file 'skel.pp' on "file{'nagios.cmd': ... }" I think this is where puppet agent creates this directory instead of leaving it to nagios service to create a pipe on the same path.

alvagante commented 11 years ago

Erm, but that part is already commented in the current skel.pp https://github.com/example42/puppet-nagios/blob/master/manifests/skel.pp From where (and when) did you get the module?

billtang commented 11 years ago

Interesting. I used command 'puppet module install example42-nagios'; although Modulefile shows version '2.0.8', the files are slightly different. puppet comes from package built at puppetlabs.net

alvagante commented 11 years ago

Actually the modules on the forge are not updated, and I don't always skip the version number when I make changes (I suppose I need to be more strict about that)

MikeVL commented 11 years ago

How i cat defiene variable nagios_customconfigdir?

I neet to place it in node class?

alvagante commented 11 years ago

That should be a top scope variable, and should refer to the nagios conf dir appropriate for the operating system of the nagios server, by default is /etc/nagios/auto.d just set it to /etc/nagios3/auto.d if your Nagios servers runs on ubuntu or debian

[Yes, the documentation of the module sucks]

alvagante commented 11 years ago

As in #11