example42 / puppet-pentaho

Puppet module for Pentaho Data Integration ( Kettle )
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Pentaho 5.1 installation issues, missing database directory #2

Open pythianali opened 9 years ago

pythianali commented 9 years ago


My manifest uses this install method

class { "pentaho":
install             => "source",
install_source      => "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pentaho/Data%20Integration/5.1/pdi-ce-",
install_destination => "/data02/pentaho",  }

However the puppet run gives the following errors:

Info: /Stage[main]/Pentaho::Install/Puppi::Netinstall[netinstall_pentaho]/Exec[Extract pdi-ce- from /var/tmp]: Scheduling refresh of Exec[Chown pdi-ce- in /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-] Info: /Stage[main]/Pentaho::Install/Puppi::Netinstall[netinstall_pentaho]/Exec[Extract pdi-ce- from /var/tmp]: Scheduling refresh of Exec[PostExtract pdi-ce- in /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-] Notice: /Stage[main]/Pentaho::Install/Puppi::Netinstall[netinstall_pentaho]/Exec[Chown pdi-ce- in /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-]/returns: chown: cannot access `/data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-': No such file or directory Error: /Stage[main]/Pentaho::Install/Puppi::Netinstall[netinstall_pentaho]/Exec[Chown pdi-ce- in /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-]: Failed to call refresh: chown -R pentaho:pentaho /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce- returned 1 instead of one of [0] Error: /Stage[main]/Pentaho::Install/Puppi::Netinstall[netinstall_pentaho]/Exec[Chown pdi-ce- in /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-]: chown -R pentaho:pentaho /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce- returned 1 instead of one of [0] Error: /Stage[main]/Pentaho::Install/Puppi::Netinstall[netinstall_pentaho]/Exec[PostExtract pdi-ce- in /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-]: Failed to call refresh: Working directory '/data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-' does not exist Error: /Stage[main]/Pentaho::Install/Puppi::Netinstall[netinstall_pentaho]/Exec[PostExtract pdi-ce- in /data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-]: Working directory '/data02/pentaho/pdi-ce-' does not exist Error: Could not start Service[pentaho]: Execution of '/sbin/service pentaho start' returned 2: pentaho dead but subsys ( /var/lock/pentaho ) locked result: 2

I have checked and the databases folder does not exist but all the other folders do, it doesn't seem to be created. I have checked the zip archive and there is no database folder in there, only a data-integration folder.

Trans-IP commented 9 years ago

After swapping 'database' for 'data-integration' everything seems to work as expected. Here are the changes:

manifests/install.pp (line42) 41 postextract_command => "chown -R ${pentaho::process_user}:${pentaho::process_user} ${pentaho::real_install_destination}/${created_dirname}", 42 extracted_dir => 'databases', 43 owner => $pentaho::process_user,

manifests/init.pp (line 411) 410 package => '/usr/share/pentaho', 411 default => "${pentaho::real_pentaho_dir}/databases", 412 }, 413 default => $pentaho::data_dir,

alvagante commented 9 years ago

Great, would you submit a PR request with these fixes?