example42 / puppet-php

A puppet module for php. According to Example42 NextGen spec.
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Could not find command 'php5enmod' #112

Open SoldierCorp opened 8 years ago

SoldierCorp commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to configure php with nginx but I can't continue because I'm receiving the next errors:

==> myvm: Error: Could not find command 'php5enmod'
==> myvm: Error: /Stage[main]/MyVM::Webphp/Php::Mod[[xml, pdo, mcrypt, mbstring, fpm, tokenizer, pear, pecl-memcache, pecl-oauth, php5enmod mcrypt]]/Exec[php_mod_tool_[xml, pdo, mcrypt, mbstring, fpm, tokenizer, pear, pecl-memcache, pecl-oauth, php5enmod mcrypt]]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: Could not find command 'php5enmod'

I was using this puppet https://github.com/thias/puppet-php but since I need php 5.6 at least, I decided to try with this one and this my configuration.

  class myvm::webphp {

    class { 'php':
      service => 'nginx'

    #include php::mod_php5 I was using this previously

    $module = hiera_array('myvm::webphp::modules') # [xml, pdo, mcrypt, ...]
    php::mod { "$module": }


So, I don't know why is trying to set a module for apache when I'm using nginx but if still is necessary the php5mod, can you tell me what's line should I use to set that php5mod please.

Kind regards!

alvagante commented 8 years ago

What operating system and version are you using?