example42 / puppet-php

A puppet module for php. According to Example42 NextGen spec.
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How to add pecl module to /etc/php/7.0/mods-available and enable it #119

Open hellraiser2005 opened 7 years ago

hellraiser2005 commented 7 years ago

php::pecl::module { "mongodb": use_package => 'no' } works and de mongodb.so is created.

But it is not available as ini in the /etc/php/7.0/mods-available directory. How can i enable it?

alvagante commented 7 years ago

The define doesn't currently support the creation of the relevant file in mods-available (where this directory exists)

hellraiser2005 commented 7 years ago

Thats to bad, luckely I solved it with my own module that creates the ini file and symlinks this in like fpm and cli.

alvagante commented 7 years ago

The module is no longer actively supported or maintained. Unless someone wants to take care of, or sponsor, if maintainership.