example42 / puppet-php

A puppet module for php. According to Example42 NextGen spec.
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Pecl module xhprof failed to install #15

Closed zeleznypa closed 11 years ago

zeleznypa commented 11 years ago

I tried to install xhprof pecl module on Ubuntu 12.04 server by following puppet configuration

include php::pear php::pecl::module { "xhprof": use_package => 'false', preferred_state => 'beta', }

Everything look OK, but when i log on vagrant server and call "pecl list", there is no xhprof installed.

After some tests i found that problem is in absence of "make" command in new Ubuntu servers.

Please add Package { "make": ensure => present }

alvagante commented 11 years ago

Managing the installation of make would be out of this module's bounds. I've added the notice in the README.