example42 / puppet-php

A puppet module for php. According to Example42 NextGen spec.
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how to install the module without it installing apache... #80

Open bobweston opened 9 years ago

bobweston commented 9 years ago

I would like to use this module to install php on our production servers.

We're an nginx shop and don't use apache.

But I can't seem to get this module working without it installing apache. (which then leads to port conflicts on port 80).

Can someone tell me if it is possible to install this application without it installing apache? I really appreciate any help you can provide. My manifest is below:

class projects::interact::servers::app::php { include puppi ::php::module { "cli": } ::php::module { "fpm": } ::php::module { "mysql": } ::php::module { "ldap": } ::php::module { "imagick": } ::php::module { "curl": } ::php::module { "gd": } ::php::module { "json": } ::php::module { "mysqlnd": } ::php::module { "odbc": } ::php::module { "pgsql": } ::php::module { "snmp": } ::php::module { "tidy": } ::php::module { "xsl": }

class { '::php': service => 'nginx', version => '5.3.10-1ubuntu3.15', require => Class['puppi'], }


catalinpan commented 9 years ago

What can be done is to disable service_autorestart

class {"php": version => latest, service_autorestart => false, }