exasol / cloud-storage-extension

Exasol Cloud Storage Extension for accessing formatted data Avro, Orc and Parquet, on public cloud storage systems
MIT License
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Add advice about IMPORT to documentation #234

Closed ckunki closed 1 year ago

ckunki commented 1 year ago

The current ticket requests to update documentation of cloud-storage-extension to


Besides using the cloud-storage-extension (CSE) users should consider direct import which usually is much faster and even supports PARALLELISM, e.g. when importing multiple files and import does not require a specific ordering.

Existing documentation

Currently the official documentation already contains instructions for Azure

CLOUD AZURE BLOBSTORAGE 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net' 
USER '<AccountName>' IDENTIFIED BY '<AccountKey>' FILE '<container>/<blob>'

However the page contains instructions for generic http or https with option file_src and more information is available in other places


The current ticket is inspired by support ticket L3-561 and in addition to doc ticket DOC-2424 to improve documentation.

morazow commented 1 year ago

Hello @ckunki,

Thanks for the feedback!

The above issue is for CSV format. CSV import is not supported in cloud-storage-extension.

The cloud-storage-extension is for binary Parquet, Avro and ORC formats. In the user guide we have overview of the supported format and supported cloud storage systems.

I am not sure if we need to add any more information without confusing the users.