exasol / transformers-extension

An Exasol extension for using state-of-the-art pretrained machine learning models via the Hugging Face Transformers API.
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Add new parameters for loading models correctly to model upload functions   #220

Open MarleneKress79789 opened 2 months ago

MarleneKress79789 commented 2 months ago

prerequisites 1, 2, 3, 4

Downloading a model and saving it locally using AutoModel.from_pretrained loses the model specialization (detailed description in #213) . After loading these broken models, using them for prediction returns bad results.

Prerequisites: #216, #217, #218, #219

After adding the new parameters to the model saving and loading fuctionality, we now need to add them to the model upload functions:

Add the "task" , and "version" parameters to the