excalibur1234 / pacui

Bash script providing advanced Pacman and Yay/Pikaur/Aurman/Pakku/Trizen/Pacaur/Pamac-cli functionality in a simple UI
GNU General Public License v3.0
169 stars 13 forks source link

improve readability of code #11

Closed excalibur1234 closed 7 years ago

excalibur1234 commented 7 years ago

i want pacui's bash code to be as easy to read as possible. using ANSI escape sequences (which do not always work!) is quite bad for code readability.

the bash code readability could be improved using a different method for changing terminal text colors (while using a more robust and compatible method at the same time) as described in the manjaro forum here: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/get-kernel-version-from-commandline/28937/11

excalibur1234 commented 7 years ago

i have just tried this using the following definitions of colors:

# Text attributes variables for all sorts of terminals (originally taken from http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/037)
[[ -t 2 ]] && {
    dim=$(      tput dim     || tput mh      )  # Start dim (this is default behavior)
    bold=$(     tput bold    || tput md      )  # Start bold
    stout=$(    tput smso    || tput so      )  # Start stand-out
    estout=$(   tput rmso    || tput se      )  # End stand-out
    under=$(    tput smul    || tput us      )  # Start underline
    eunder=$(   tput rmul    || tput ue      )  # End   underline
    italic=$(   tput sitm    || tput ZH      )  # Start italic
    eitalic=$(  tput ritm    || tput ZR      )  # End   italic
    reset=$(    tput sgr0    || tput me      )  # Reset all attributes

    [[ $TERM != *-m ]] && {
        red=$(      tput setaf 1 || tput AF 1    )  # set color of foreground (i.e. text)
        green=$(    tput setaf 2 || tput AF 2    )  # set color of foreground (i.e. text)
        yellow=$(   tput setaf 3 || tput AF 3    )  # set color of foreground (i.e. text)
        blue=$(     tput setaf 4 || tput AF 4    )  # set color of foreground (i.e. text)
        magenta=$(  tput setaf 5 || tput AF 5    )  # set color of foreground (i.e. text)
        cyan=$(     tput setaf 6 || tput AF 6    )  # set color of foreground (i.e. text)
        redB=$(     tput setab 1 || tput AB 1    )  # set color of background
        greenB=$(   tput setab 2 || tput AB 2    )  # set color of background
        yellowB=$(  tput setab 3 || tput AB 3    )  # set color of background
        blueB=$(    tput setab 4 || tput AB 4    )  # set color of background
        magentaB=$( tput setab 5 || tput AB 5    )  # set color of background
        cyanB=$(    tput setab 6 || tput AB 6    )  # set color of background
    black=$(    tput setaf 0 || tput AF 0    )  # set color of foreground (i.e. text)
    white=$(    tput setaf 7 || tput AF 7    )  # set color of foreground (i.e. text)
    blackB=$(   tput setab 0 || tput AB 0    )  # set color of background
    whiteB=$(   tput setab 7 || tput AB 7    )  # set color of background
    default=$(  tput op                      )

} 3>&2 2>/dev/null ||:
# 3>&2 2>/dev/null ||:  this code silences all errors

but i have difficulties when text color of other applications (such as expac, awk, less, etc.) have to be changed. in most cases, they do not support executing variables such as ${red} and print that code instead of red colored text. but in most cases, these applications are able to do ANSI escapes!

if anybody knows a solution to that problem (which works for all/most applications), please reopen this issue.