excalidraw / excalidraw

Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
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chore: update translations #8081

Open ItanuRomero opened 1 month ago

ItanuRomero commented 1 month ago


Some time ago I opened #6291 to translate the "help" button in the menu.

As requested in the comments of the PR, I added the translation at crowdin:


However, it hasn't been changed yet.

I look out how to do it, and found #3858 & #2790, but it isn't clear what should I do to make the changes...

Also read the docs on "how to contribute" and "translate" and it didn't show exactly what I needed.

I'm thinking about exporting the files from crowdin and open a PR directly making the changes, and maybe update some other translation lost in the last updates.

How can I proceed?

ad1992 commented 1 month ago

I think this might be related to the path change, earlier it was in src/locales and now its moved to packages/excalidraw/locales, @dwelle I guess we missed moving all the locales from src to packages/excalidraw folder?