excelwebzone / EWZRecaptchaBundle

This bundle provides easy reCAPTCHA form field for Symfony.
MIT License
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Recaptcha 2 validation using Google Recaptcha library #66

Open ste93cry opened 8 years ago

ste93cry commented 8 years ago

The validator should be using the official Google Recaptcha library instead of its own methods to verify and validate the response of the captcha.

garak commented 8 years ago


hoannv commented 8 years ago


breitsmiley commented 8 years ago


garak commented 8 years ago


ste93cry commented 8 years ago

nice, but why didn't you just create a PR instead of making a new bundle?

garak commented 8 years ago

Because I don't need old version of Recaptcha

roukmoute commented 8 years ago

It is not already use in https://github.com/excelwebzone/EWZRecaptchaBundle/blob/master/Validator/Constraints/IsTrueValidator.php#L74 ?

ste93cry commented 8 years ago

no, the check is done with own methods instead of relying on the official Google library