exceptionless / Exceptionless

Exceptionless application
Apache License 2.0
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Upgrade to Elasticsearch 5.x #145

Closed niemyjski closed 7 years ago

niemyjski commented 9 years ago

We need to reindex all data and update the client for Elasticsearch 2.0 as things have been deprecated. We should compile a list of these as well as look into performance gains that could be achieved via a reindex.

Performance gain:

niemyjski commented 8 years ago


niemyjski commented 8 years ago


geffzhang commented 8 years ago

When plans to support Elasticsearch 2.x

niemyjski commented 8 years ago

We will be skipping 2.x completely and going straight to 5.x by using external reindexing support built into 5.x. We are starting work on this process this week so we can be ready for the 5.x release and reap the many rewards of 2.x+5.x (80% faster indexing, update by query and much more).

niemyjski commented 8 years ago


geffzhang commented 8 years ago

Support Elasticsearch 5.x, also supports Elasticsearch 2.x?

niemyjski commented 8 years ago

We will be skipping 2.x and going straight to 5.x via external reindexing.

niemyjski commented 8 years ago

We have an /elastic5 branch that we are working out of :)

geffzhang commented 8 years ago

elastic5 release ,This release introduces a number of breaking changes. https://www.elastic.co/blog/elasticsearch-5-0-0-released

niemyjski commented 8 years ago

Yep, a whole lot of them, we just got foundatio.repositories completely upgraded and are working on exceptionless, we almost have the mappings done but we are blocked until they release a NEST-5.0-rc2 client

geffzhang commented 8 years ago

https://www.nuget.org/packages/NEST/5.0.0-rc2 NEST-5.0-rc2 release

niemyjski commented 7 years ago


niemyjski commented 7 years ago

We need to work on reindexing next (dev will be upgraded to elastic 5 today or tomorrow).. The reindex will need to have an ingest pipeline which choices the right daily index.

ejsmith commented 7 years ago

App is looking good. Tons of hard work paying off. :)

niemyjski commented 7 years ago


niemyjski commented 7 years ago

I have exceptionless up and running on elastic 5 (https://dev-app.exceptionless.io/)

Feel free to play around with it. I only have it running on a single node (haven't even optimized that node)

I just did find an issue where I wasn't able to invite users / get users list for an org, will look into that very soon. Other than that I'm aware of no issues but I'm sure there probably are

niemyjski commented 7 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI-3mEUW_F4 https://sematext.com/blog/2015/11/30/running-elasticsearch-clusters-on-docker/ https://github.com/pires/kubernetes-elasticsearch-cluster/blob/master/README.md

niemyjski commented 7 years ago

We've deployed this into production, we'll create a release soon once we have more data