exceptionless / Exceptionless

Exceptionless application
Apache License 2.0
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Features request #276

Open john-roland opened 7 years ago

john-roland commented 7 years ago


Exceptionless is awesome, but here are some features we still miss (sorry for the lack of details) :






niemyjski commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much for posting this, this is great and helps us :). From looking over this list many of these are things we already want do do with search and and dashboards. Would you like me to break down the things you can do currently in a a section or would you like to meet up and go over these (greatly appreciated). I do have some questions on some of these items.

john-roland commented 7 years ago

hello, yes, we can meet up. This week has been too busy, maybe next one !

niemyjski commented 7 years ago

Yes, just let me know when works for you or send me a message on slack (preferred)

HankDitko commented 7 years ago

+1 on "Have the url been modified on search results, so we can share or bookmark it"

niemyjski commented 7 years ago

I agree, we need that. I need to really break all this down into separate issues and get your feedback @john-roland . If you just let me know a time when you are free I'll be there (as long as it's not 3am my time) :)

john-roland commented 7 years ago

Thursday, 5pm geneva time, should be 10am for you, would it be ok ?

john-roland commented 7 years ago

ho no sorry, already in a meeting this day... with our houston team ;) this week it will be complicated.. or friday

niemyjski commented 7 years ago

Sounds good :), just send me an email (http://github.com/niemyjski) with the info or on slack :).

niemyjski commented 7 years ago

Thanks for having the team meet up with me, I greatly appreciate it. I need to split this into several new issues but here are my notes, please feel free to open new issues with any additional feedback.


- auto complete, would really like to be able to just bookmark search.
- Anything else you want to search on?
- Lists don't have project or date. (maybe make the tags on a separete line...)
- Named tags? key value pair E.g., `Database:Europe`


john-roland commented 7 years ago

yes, definitively, if we are able to add some custom environment data, and be able to filter on it, it will be awesome.

I can imagine, in our usage, to add the following


maybe that already possible via a plugin, or not ?


niemyjski commented 7 years ago

You can do this (search by custom property) today if you call SetProperty() on the event builder with simple types (bool, string, int)